Lina & Katharina

Lina, Katharina, and their little miracle

We are incredibly happy to introduce Lina and Katharina, who will share their story about how they got their daughter Mila through insemination with a sperm donor.

My name is Lina, I am 28 years old and I am from Germany. In 2015, I got to know my wife Katharina, 33 years old. At the end of 2016, we moved in together, got a dog and got married in 2018. We quickly agreed that we wanted to have children together – because why should we be denied of that happiness just because we are two women?

The first thing we decided on was to get married because we were aware that the road to an adoption would then be easier.

Of course, that is not the only reason why we chose to get married.

The “Descent Act”* is unfortunately very outdated in Germany, which means that the non-pregnant mother must adopt the child after it has been born, even though both mothers are married.

A few months after our wedding, we started the final planning of our plan and great wish to have a child. There was no doubt that it was my wife Katharina who was going to carry the baby as she is older than me.

We searched for information on the internet about various clinics that offer insemination in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, etc.

Unlike Denmark, there are legal differences in Germany for insemination / artificial insemination and since the authorities do not communicate about this method very transparently, we decided to do it in Denmark. Because of the positive reviews, we quickly decided that we would try to make our dreams come true with the help of Diers Clinic and SellmerDiers.

We looked at the various options that SellmerDiers offers (whether the donor should be ‘No ID-release’, whether the child may receive the donor’s information when he or she turns 18, or whether the donor already commits to a meeting if the child wishes it.) We decided on the 3rd option because we want to give our child the possibility to meet her donor. Whether our daughter wishes to meet her donor is, of course, up to her.


* This is a German law that regulates biological and judicial parenting. If two women decide to have a child together, the mother carrying the child automatically becomes the mother of the child. The partner will have to adopt the child before she becomes a legal parent as well.


Learn more about Diers Clinic

So now we sat there looking at the different donors and quickly found a donor that suited us. His text about his motivations for becoming a sperm donor made a great impression on us and it was very emotional.

Then we contacted Diers Clinic. This was very uncomplicated, and the staff were really friendly and competent. Possible issues were quickly clarified by the staff, telephone conversations were held, etc.

When all tests, ultrasound scans in relation to ovulation, etc. were completed (these were performed in a clinic in Germany), we went to Denmark in January 2019. Throughout our journey, we were supported by our family and friends.

On the way to Denmark, we contacted the clinic, who gave us an appointment the next day. When we arrived at the clinic the next day, we were greeted by a truly welcoming staff. Everything was prepared and the staff once again explained in great detail how the procedure would be performed (in German). The staff answered all our questions, so we were constantly on top of what was going to happen and we felt a sincere sense of security.

My wife was successfully inseminated and 14 days after she took a pregnancy test, which was positive. It was unbelievable that she got pregnant in the first try!

We understand that this is a miracle and that many are unfortunately not so lucky.

Our little daughter, Mila, was born in October 2019.

The adoption of our daughter also went smoothly, which means that now both of us are official parents to our daughter Mila.

We would like to thank Diers Clinic and SellmerDiers for fulfilling our dream and helping us create our little miracle. Out of the five purchased sperm units, there are four left, and we hope to give our little Mila a sibling one day.

As soon as our daughter will start to understand her family constellation, we will openly tell her how we got her. We will answer her questions and we want to be open about the situation – how this is going to turn out, only time can tell. We think situations like this should be decided individually by the parents.

Thanks to Lina and Katharina for sharing their beautiful story with us. You can write a comment to the post here or follow the couple on Instagram here and here.

Learn more about ID release donors