Your path to becoming a parent

by | Apr 27, 2020 | Blog, Donor, Donor child, Donor parents

 The journey to having a much longed-for child can be quite long for many new parents. But we promise it’s worth the wait. In this blog post we will provide you with a few tips on what to pay especially attention to along the way. 


 How do you get started?

 The decision to have a donor child can be both long and challenging. We have been there ourselves and we know which considerations and concerns you may be dealing with.

 You will hopefully be able to find answers to many of your questions on this website in terms of what it’s like to be a donor parent or a donor child. But which considerations should you have in regards to choosing a donor?

For us, it was important to choose a donor from a sperm bank, where we knew they had a profound knowledge of their donors and that they were able to make personal recommandations. In addition to that,  it was also important, actually it was quite essential, that there was a limit to how many children a donor may have. For example like it’s stated here. 

 After that, you need to trust the fertility clinic. We can certainly recommend this one.

The decision about whether it should be an anonymous or an open donor is a choice that only you can make. But it often helps to look through the list of donors and read a bit more about them. Get an idea about the donor types here.

If you need help with how to order a sperm donor we would like to recommend this manageable guide.

Left is only to wish you all the luck in the world on your path to becoming a parent. 


What are donor categories?

If you are considering having a child using donor sperm it may be a good idea to learn a bit more about donor categories.

There are different donor categories to choose from and it is important that you consider thoroughly which category may be right for you.